Author: dpreed

  • Betrayal by Biden on climate

    This COP28 leadership is not surprising, after Kerry at COP27 was pro fossil fuel in the US position.

  • Jeff Beck

    When I grow up I want to play my Strat like Jeff Beck… I suspect there’s no hope of that, but I’m very glad he inspired me since I was a teenager, and sad at his passing.

  • Awesome insights into flaws in quantum conventional wisdom

    Carver Mead is very slowly building up his reputation debunking conventional physics wisdom taught today. This discussion he does on YouTube about Mead’s Collective Electrodynamics and John Cramer’s Transactional Quantum Theory is great. I have to say this though, the mainstream Theoretical Physicists continue to object to both Mead and Kramer’s view of quantum electrodynamics,…

  • Peer Review is moribund

    Put peer review out of its misery, ASAP Dave Taht shared this great piece with me. The Rise and Fall of Peer Review. It needs to be shared widely. 50 years after my bachelor’s degree now, I’ve looked at peer review from all sides, and I completely agree. There’s no fix. I publish (make public)…

  • Fediverse

    I’m joining the Fediverse. At first, via my main public site. The name here is and it is a WordPress site using ActivityPub plugin.

  • SBF and the EA/Longtermist “Moral Reasoning”

    MSM picking up on lunatic idea that one can extrapolate the future of moral choices by simple reductive reasoning without context, then justify any decision one takes based on that “logic”. This is like Mein Kampf’s careful logical justification, based on a reductive theory of history, or Lenin’s “What Must Be Done?” careful logic.…

  • Ending WP and FB monopolies

    As I wonder what can be done about the messes we humans keep suffering rather than fixing them, occasionally I have an idea that others don’t seem to have thought about. Here’s one. Centralization of power grows as unequal power structures are accepted and tolerated. Though we use “monopoly” to describe them, monopoly presumes that…

  • Posting again?

    It’s been a long while since I’ve posted new content. Frankly, I find myself focusing on “conversations” in Facebook and email, though both of those are poor substitutes for thinking and writing about complex ideas. So I’m back to posting here to see if this medium can remain alive. I may put pointers on FB…

  • Greta Thunberg’s Climate Emergency Challenge

    For the past few months I’ve been struggling to sort out why very little has been being done to address the biggest issue that faces humanity today. That is, the Climate Emergency. I’ve been digging more deeply into the scientific understandings we have gained, and into the range of solutions being proposed, and into the…

  • GoGo does not need to run “Man in the Middle Attacks” on YouTube

    Ars Technica mentioned in a post that GoGo, the primary “airplane Internet Access provider” is breaking HTTPS security with a fake certificate in order to prevent access to YouTube over HTTPS when using GoGo to access the Internet. Many are already pointing out that this damages all of Internet security by playing on a known…